Thursday 20 August 2009

On Being Famous

It took me about this long to put together that the word I thought meant 'hello' actually means 'white man.'

Every day here, when I leave my compound and walk the 15 minutes or so to the district hospital, or the 20 minutes or so to the internet cafe, or wherever, I am stopped at least a few times by people calling 'Yavu! Yavu!' I smile, and I wave, and sometimes we chat a little and I try to speak some Ewe and they laugh at me. This was a much more idyllic scene before I realized they were SHOUTING RACIAL EPITHETS AT ME. The fact that this is done in a consistently friendly manner is, in its own way, all the more unsettling.

Also, apparently the women who live in the compound have nicknamed me 'bread.'

So here I am, a genuine curiosity of the first order and a local celebrity. Walking down the street to constant cries of 'hey whitey!' I always knew someday I would be famous. I had... well, I had just hoped it would have more to do with the content of my character, I guess.

Today an old woman with no teeth told me 'White man, I will marry you.' What can you say to that? You're all invited to the wedding.

1 comment:

  1. ok, "white man" makes sense, but "bread?" i'm stumped on that one. but really, racial epithets, birthdays and nonironic english words are but interesting additions to the nicknames of ryan. we could always revert to mitzy, right? ;)
