Wednesday 26 August 2009

Hey, So, How About This Weather?

Yesterday I woke up at 4am. I've been doing this a lot, and I started to wonder what's wrong with my sleep cycle that I keep waking up in the middle of the night. And then I remembered that I go to bed at about 8pm every night. So actually that's probably why.

After lying in bed staring at the ceiling for a little while, I heard raindrops pinging into the roof. Then it started raining a little harder, and then a minute later it was, as they say, pissing it down, coming down in sheets, straight up somebody ticked off Poseidon and we're all about to be washed out to sea kind of weather. This lasted for half an hour, then it stopped. The compound was flooded and thousands of tiny black almond-sized frogs had come out from wherever tiny black almond-sized frogs stay when they are waiting for it to rain and were jumping around having the time of their lives.

I was a little surprised by this whole series of events, because I had thought this was the dry season. I mentioned this to someone and was told that, no, the rainy season ended in June but the dry season won't start until October and this is an entirely different season known as 'not the dry season.'

Stupid, stupid equator.

1 comment:

  1. HEY WHITE MAN, NICE BLOG!!!!!!! Can I be the flower girl when you marry that old lady?
